LLI-532 Craftsmanship as Medicine for Deprived Communities (Med-Craft)

Šiuo metu vyksta projekto “Amatas kaip tarptautinis turizmo produktas” (Tour de Crafts, LLI -539) pradiniai darbai ir pasirengimas numatytoms veikloms. Sausio mėnesį planuota surengti projekto teorinius mokymus amatininkams Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje, tačiau dėl COVID-19 pandeminės situacijos ir karantino apribojimų, jie nukelti vėlyvam pavasariui.

Plačiau apie projektą:
Projektą įgyvendina 6 partneriai – Latgalės planavimo regionas (Latvija), Preili savivaldybė (Latvija), Balvi savivaldybė (Latvija), Dobelės suaugusiųjų mokymo ir verslo paramos centras (Latvija), Anykščių menų inkubatorius ir Panevėžio rajono

he project will work with unemployed persons residing in deprived communities in remote rural Latvia-Lithuania border areas and offer them education and self-employment possibilities in the field of craftsmanship. Project is targeting young unemployed persons incl. young parents, pre-retirement age unemployed persons and senior citizens – residing in remote rural areas in Utena and Panevežys counties in Lithuania and Dobele County in Latvia (approx.10 thousand persons). The project will motivate and encourage these people to participate in educational and socio-economic processes for unlocking their potential and changing their lives, as well as for becoming role models for other members of their communities.

The project will develop a tailor-made training system for deprived communities and train 40 local craftsmen as mentors who will further train 180 representatives of the deprived communities in certain sectors of craftsmanship – textile, knitting, ceramics, woodworking, paper and packaging, etc. The project will also offer series of theoretical trainings and practical creative workshops for representatives of deprived communities, as well as provide coaching and mentoring support. It will be implemented over the period of 2 years by 3 partners – an art incubator in Anyksciai and adult training centres in Panevezys and Dobele – through combining and exchanging their specific experiences in involvement of different target groups in the labour market.


Project partners:

Anykščiai Art Incubator – Art Studio (Lithuania, Lead partner)
Panevezys Business Advisory Centre (Lithuania
Dobele Adult Education and Business Support Centre (Latvia)


Contact person- project manager Lina Rimkienė (anmeninpro@gmail.com, +370 608 03743)

Information about Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 : www.latlit.eu; www.europa.eu; #LATLIT